Thursday, April 9, 2020

Chapel – Opportunity and Opposition

Chapel – Opportunity and Opposition

1 – This is a great day for two main reasons – we have a tremendous
opportunity and a worthy opponent.
·      The opportunity is that we, a strong, developing, ambitious team get to compete against another strong, developing, ambitious team.  This makes for a great match up.
·      The worthy opponent is obvious.  Competing with this opponent at this point in the season is great for us.  We get a good test of our team’s real strength, our character and our hunger to win.

2 – This reminds me of a powerful scripture. 
I Corinthians 16:8-9 and 13-14 (read the text)
·      Opportunity and opposition – this is why the Apostle Paul decides to stay.
·      There is a wide door for effective service and he has many adversaries. 
·      Most people see opposition as contrary to opportunity, but they actually go well together.
·      Most times in sport, a worthy opponent makes for more opportunity.

3 – Today we have both opportunity and opposition – so what should we
          do?  Follow the instructions from verses 13-14.
·      Be on the alert – everyone on the roster must be ready, all day.
·      Stand firm – when adversity hits, stand firm and meet it head on.
·      Act like men – men act with courage, conviction and discipline.
·      Be strong – of body, of mind and of heart.  Be complete players.
·      Let all you do be done in love – Love for your teammates will lead you to be a great team collectively and great teammates individually.

4 – Summary
·      Our opportunity and our opposition demand:
o   That we be on the alert
o   That we stand firm
o   That we act like men
o   That we be strong
o   That we do everything in love

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