Sunday, June 7, 2020

Chapel - Resiliency

Chapel talk - Resiliency.


Introduction: Building a (insert sport) program is neither quick nor easy. It will require great resiliency. You will always be dealing with:

  • Changes
  • Injuries
  • Disappointments
  • Losses
Resiliency is toughness committed to long-term development. 

(Read Acts 14:19-22 aloud.) The apostle Paul was remarkably resilient as demonstrated in this scripture.

  • After serving faithfully, his opponents stirred up a crowd and opposed him.
  • They cast huge stones at him, and dragged him out of the city.
  • They left him for dead.
  • Paul's teammates arrived and surrounded him.
  • He got up, and went, bloodied and battered, right back into the city.
  • He and his team continued their work in other towns, but made a return visit.
  • He summarized his thoughts by saying, "Through many troubles, we must enter the Kingdom of God."
The apostle was resilient, he had toughness committed to long-term development.

To compete well today, we must be similarly resilient. We must be tough and committed to long-term development, individually as players, and collectively as a team.

Let's be resilient.


Chapel - Complete Basketball Player

Chapel talk - Complete Basketball Player.


Introduction: What makes for a complete basketball player? Here's a list of qualities:

  • Good footwork
  • Can handle the ball
  • Can shoot, pass, and rebound.
  • Defends and can read defenses.
  • Sets screens.
  • Knows the game plan.
  • Communicates.
  • Plays with poise.
  • Takes a charge.
  • Can finish at the rim.
  • Encourages, challenges, and leads his teammates.
  • Continually develops:
    • Physically
    • Intellectually
    • Socially
    • Spiritually
This same sort of completeness and full development can be seen in Jesus' life at Luke 2:52. (Luke 2:52 aloud.) 
  • Eighteen years of Jesus' life are wrapped up in this one verse.
  • He grew in wisdom, that is intellectual development.
  • He grew in stature, that is physical development.
  • He grew in favor with God - that is spiritual development.
  • He grew in favor with men - that is social development.
In the same way as Jesus continually developed to be a complete man, I would challenge each of you to commit to the same process. To be the person you were created to be, you must continue to develop throughout your lifetime.

Today, compete in a way that demonstrates your commitment to developing in wisdom, in stature, in favor with God, and in favor with man. 


Chapel - We are on a Mission

Chapel talk - We are on a Mission.

Introduction: (Insert team name and sport) is on a mission to win the (insert conference name) championship. We are again and 0 and 0 as the conference season begins. We will take the first step on this mission today.


Jesus and His team were also on a mission and we can see His mindset in Luke 9:51-53. (Read Luke 9:51-53 aloud.)

  • Jesus was in His final days.
  • He was determined to go to Jerusalem, though he knew that death awaited his arrival.
  • Some along the way would not pay the price to go along. The cost was too high.
(Insert team name and sport) is on a mission.
  • The non-conference season is over and we have a __ game run to finish.
  • I am watching to see how determined you are to complete our mission.
  • Some teams we face will not be willing to pay the price, but I believe we have a team that is determined to be champions.
  • Today is step one.
We are on a mission.


Chapel - We are Brothers

Chapel talk - We are Brothers.


Introduction: We have become teammates, and further, we have become brothers. We are brothers from different mothers.

Hebrews chapter 10 verses 23-24 inform us of some things brothers do for each other. (Read Hebrews 10:23-24 aloud.) The writer challenges us to:

  • Hold tightly to your beliefs, because He who promised is faithful.
  • Let us consider (think about)...
  • How to provoke...
  • Each other to love and good deeds.
  • Let's all search for ways to bring the best out of each other.
  • That's what brothers do.
Today, we are brothers.
  • We hold tightly to the core values of (insert team name and sport).
  • We will be faithful to the promises, the commitments we have made to each other.
  • Let us consider our brothers:
    • How to provoke them to love their teammates.
    • How to provoke them to compete powerfully and to high levels of performance.
  • Let's all search for ways to bring the best our of each other.
We are brothers.


Chapel - We are Dominant

Chapel talk - We are dominant.


This is a great situation for our team:

  • Perfect conditions
  • A worthy opponent
  • An opportunity to make a strong statement that, "We are dominant."
  • This is who we are.
In the Old Testament book of Joshua, we see how a man quickly learned who was dominant in his world. (Read Joshua 5:13-15 aloud.)
  • Joshua was a powerful leader.
  • He sees this solitary man with a drawn sword in his hand.
  • He asks, "Are you for us or the others?"
  • The man replies, "Neither. I am the captain of God's army."
  • Joshua bows and offers to serve the obviously dominant man.
  • The dominant one gave orders to the powerful leader.
Let's draw some understanding from this brief story:
  • The dominant one stands confidently, fully prepared.
  • The dominant one makes a direct statement of identity.
  • The dominant one dictates terms to the powerful.
As we compete today:
  • We are well prepared to be dominant.
  • We will make a direct statement of identity - "We are dominant."
  • We will dictate terms to a powerful opponent.
  • "We are dominant."

Chapel - Living Sacrifice

Chapel talk - Living Sacrifice


Introduction: The daily process of training, learning, and competing in sport is one made of sacrifice and discipline. This culture includes daily sacrifice of time, energy, pain, emotion, relationship, and convenience. It uniquely enables each of us for grasping the dynamic truth expressed in Romans 12:1-2.

(Read Romans 12:1-2 aloud.) The apostle Paul urged his brothers in Rome to present their bodies as living sacrifices. He described such sacrifice as holy, acceptable, as a spiritual service of worship. They were not competing in sport, but their daily activities were no more inherently holy, acceptable, and worshipful than yours.

The apostle went further by challenging them regarding their worldviews. He said to not be conformed to the world's way of thinking, but to be transformed through daily renewal of their minds. The result of that was to fully realize the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

I would similarly challenge you regarding your life in sport:

  • Present your bodies as a living sacrifice (living not dead).
    • Through all the training and competition. 
    • Through the eating and sleeping.
    • Through the rest, riding on planes and buses.
    • Through the pain, soreness, and fatigue.
  • Your sacrifice is holy - it is set apart for God's honor.
  • Your sacrifice is your spiritual service of worship - as much as music or any other cultural expression of worship.
  • Do not be conformed to the world's way of thinking about sport. (eg win at all costs, "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying," or any other foolish way of thinking.)
  • Have your minds renewed by daily transformation. (The Lord Jesus will shape your thinking about sport and all of life. If you will listen and obey.)
  • Experience the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God as you compete. (The Lord is pleased to work out His will in your life.)
Therefore I urge you, (insert team name and sport), by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.


Chapel - We are a Team

Chapel talk - We are a team.

Introduction: Since we began in preseason training, we have been developing into a team. We are now ready, dominant, relentless, and committed. We are on a mission. We are brothers, road dogs, resilient, determined, strong and loyal. Let's combine all these characteristics into being one, unified team.


This text from the book of James reminds me of this team and many individuals in it. (Read James 1:12 aloud.)

  • Blessed is a man when he perseveres while under trial.
  • Once approved he receives the crown of life.
  • That crown is promised to those who love God; to those who are most highly committed.
  • Kings wear crowns. Crowns are emblems of honor and respect.

This team, all season has persevered under trial. 

  • We are blessed.
  • We have been approved and are wearing a crown.
  • We are in position to receive the promised crown,, emblematic of honor and respect.
  • You have demonstrated great love and commitment.
  • Wear your crown proudly today because, "We are a team."


Saturday, June 6, 2020

Chapel – Selfless

1 – Introduction – today we’ll talk about being selfless.   That’s the direct opposite of being selfish or having a “Me First” attitude.  Selfless people seek the best for others, before themselves.

2 – Read the text – Romans 12:3-5
·      Every man among us.
o   Don’t overestimate your importance.
o   Think with sober judgment.
o   God has given each of us a place on this team.
·      Your body is made up of many parts, but it is one body.  Each part has a particular function.  Each part does what it alone can do.
·      We are many in Christ and in this team, but we are one.
o   When one succeeds, we all benefit.
o   When one fails, we all suffer.
o   When one achieves, we all achieve.
o   When one acts selfishly, we all lose.
o   When one is suspended, we as a team are lesser.
·      All or goals remain within our reach.
·      We can be as good and can achieve as highly as we want.
o   If each one serves his team and teammates selflessly.
o   If each one fulfills his role to its fullest.
o   If each one will put the team’s best interest ahead of any selfish pleasures or foolish behaviors.
·      We will be champions this year if we will choose to honor our team by being selfless.

3 - Prayer

Transformed Lives Sport Discussions

Format –
1)     Theme text to be read by the group leader – Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” HCSB
2)    Prayer by a member of the group.
3)    Topic and sport definition (from Marks of Excellence360ºsports)*
4)    Introductory Questions
5)    Narrative Bible texts and discussion questions
a.     Example of a person displaying this quality.
b.     Example of someone lacking the quality.
6)    Summary to be read by the group leader.
7)    Prayer by a member of the group.
Marks of Excellence definitions used by permission of Lowrie McCown.
1)     Theme text – Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” HCSB
2)    Prayer
3)    Love - “sacrificial acts for the benefit of others.” (from Marks of Excellence – 360ºsports)
4)    Introductory Questions
·      Think about your experiences in sport, what have been some of the demonstrations of love that you have seen?
·      If love is defined as “sacrificial acts for the benefit of others,” what would be the opposite of that?  When have you experienced such “anti-love” in sport?
5)    Narrative Bible texts and discussion questions
·      Read John 13:1-17.
·      What do you see Jesus doing here that fits our definition of love?
·      How do his teammates respond to His loving service?
·      What does he instruct them to do in verses 13-15?
·      What might be a present day equivalent to washing feet for people in the world of sport?
·      How do we similarly love and serve our teammates today?
·      Read Luke 22:1-6 and 47-51.
·      What were Judas’ actions which were the very opposite of love?  List them.
·      Why would he do such things?
·      How does Jesus respond to Judas’ betrayal and the violence which accompanied it?
·      When have you encountered betrayal and violence in sport?  How did you react?
6)    Summary – Demonstrate the characteristic of a transformed life – Love by making sacrificial acts for the benefit of others.
7)    Prayer

1)     Theme text – Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” HCSB
2)    Prayer
3)    Joy - “contentment regardless of circumstances.” (from Marks of Excellence – 360ºsports)
4)    Introductory Questions
·      Tell us about a coach, a player or a team you have observed to have a sense of contentment regardless of circumstances?
·      If that is what joy is, what do we experience if we lack such contentment?
5)    Narrative Bible texts and discussion questions
·      Read Acts 14:19-23.
·      What was happening with Paul and his team which could have drained them of joy?
·      How did Paul respond to his adversity?
·      What role did his teammates play in Paul’s expression of joy?
·      When have you similarly responded to adversity with contentment and joy?
·      Read Numbers 13:30-33.
·      Who appears to have joy and who lacks it in this passage?
·      What would have caused these men to see their enemies and themselves as they did?
·      When have you encountered circumstances which caused you doubt, confusion, fear and a lack of joy?
·      How did you recover from them?
6)    Summary - Demonstrate the characteristic of a transformed life – Joy by displaying contentment regardless of circumstances.
7)    Prayer

1.      Theme text – Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” HCSB
2.     Prayer
3.     Peace - “mental calmness.” (from Marks of Excellence – 360ºsports)
4.     Introductory Questions
·      Whom have you observed to have mental calmness in the midst of noisy, chaotic situations in sport?
·      What kinds of situations tend to rob some players or coaches of their mental calmness?
5.     Narrative Bible texts and discussion questions
·      Read Luke 8:22-25.
·      What does Jesus do here that looks like peace or mental calmness?
·      What are the factors which could have caused Him to panic like the others?
·      What could a coach or a player do to demonstrate Jesus-like peace in a similarly chaotic situation in sport?
·      What do you see in the disciples which looks like the very opposite of peace?
·      When have you seen players or coaches panic due to a big play, a momentum swing or a losing streak?
·      How did Jesus restore the disciples’ peace?
·      How do you react when your teammates lose their mental calmness?
·      How can coaches and players act to restore peace to their teams?
6.     Summary - Demonstrate the characteristic of a transformed life – Peace by exhibiting mental calmness.
7.     Prayer

1.      Theme text – Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” HCSB
2.     Prayer
3.     Perseverance - “enduring difficult situations to become stronger.” (from Marks of Excellence – 360ºsports)
4.     Introductory Questions
·      Tell us about a difficult situation you endured which made you stronger.
·      What would have happened if you had simply quit because things were just too tough?
5.     Narrative Bible texts and discussion questions
·      Read Job chapter 1.
·      What were the harsh circumstances that Job endured?
·      How did he respond to such pain?
·      How would you handle loss like that?
·      What would be sport-world losses similar to Job’s experience?
·      How would perseverance like Job’s impact how a team handles adversity?
·      Read Genesis 16:1-6.
·      What was Abraham’s difficult circumstance?
·      How did he act to solve the issue?  Was that a good decision?
·      What were the consequences of his lack of perseverance? (Short term and long term consequences)
·      What happens when teams take shortcuts or lack perseverance?
6.     Summary - Demonstrate the characteristic of a transformed life – Perseverance by enduring difficult situations to become stronger.
7.     Prayer

1.      Theme text – Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” HCSB
2.     Prayer
3.     Kindness - “using words and actions to encourage others.” (from Marks of Excellence – 360ºsports)
4.     Introductory Questions
·      What are some situations in sport where using words and actions to encourage others makes a real difference for you?  How do they help?
·      What kinds of words and actions have the opposite effect?  How do those words and actions discourage others?
5.     Narrative Bible texts and discussion questions
·      Read Ruth 1:16-17, 4:7-17.
·      How did Ruth show kindness to Naomi?
·      Why was such kindness unusual?
·      How did Ruth’s kindness work to her benefit a little later?
·      Who has shown you kindness during your life in sport?
·      How can you do the same with words and actions?
·      Read Matthew 18:21-35.
·      In Jesus’ story, who was kind and who was not so kind?
·      What did the unkind slave do to the other slave who owed him money?
·      How much was the unkind slave owed in comparison with the amount he was forgiven?
·      Have you ever encountered a situation like this one?  Tell us about it.
6.     Summary - Demonstrate the characteristic of a transformed life – Kindness by using words and actions to encourage others.
7.     Prayer

1.      Theme text – Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” HCSB
2.     Prayer
3.     Goodness - “doing the right thing.” (from Marks of Excellence – 360ºsports)
4.     Introductory Questions
·      Tell us about a time when you made a decision simply because you knew it was the right thing to do.
·      Have there also been times when you balked at such a decision or made a poor choice?  Tell us about it.
5.     Narrative Bible texts and discussion questions
·      Read Genesis 39:1-23.
·      In what ways did Joseph do the right thing in this passage?
·      What were the results of Joseph’s actions?
·      What evidence is there that he continued to act in goodness?
·      Who demonstrates goodness around your team?
·      Read Genesis 25:27-34.
·      What seems to be at the core of Esau’s decision making process?
·      How is that contrary to a life characterized by goodness?
·      What does Esau’s decision cost him?
·      Tell us about an Esau-like player or coach you have known.
6.     Summary - Demonstrate the characteristic of a transformed life – Goodness by doing the right thing.
7.     Prayer

1.      Theme text – Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” HCSB
2.     Prayer
3.     Gentleness - “emotional control.” (from Marks of Excellence – 360ºsports)
4.     Introductory Questions
·      What are some situations in sport which require emotional control from you?
·      Tell us about someone who totally lost his emotional control, his gentleness during competition?
5.     Narrative Bible texts and discussion questions
·      Read John 8:1-11.
·      How did Jesus demonstrate gentleness toward this woman?
·      How could he have responded otherwise?
·      How was Jesus also gentle with her accusers?
·      How could he have dealt with them that would have shown less emotional control?
·      Who has been similarly gentle with you?  Tell us about him or her.
·      Read Genesis 34:1-29.
·      How gentle were Simeon and Levi in this story?
·      What did they do which demonstrated a lack of emotional control?
·      How could they have acted with more gentleness?
·      How has God’s gift of gentleness improved your life in sport?
6.     Summary - Demonstrate the characteristic of a transformed life – Gentleness by displaying emotional control.
7.     Prayer

1.      Theme text – Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” HCSB
2.     Prayer
3.     Faithfulness - “being responsible for your actions and accountable to others.” (from Marks of Excellence – 360ºsports)
4.     Introductory Questions
·      For what kinds of things are people in sport responsible and to whom are they accountable?
·      What happens when we fail in our responsibilities or are unaccountable?
5.     Narrative Bible texts and discussion questions
·      Read Hosea 3:1-5.
·      What are the circumstances which make Hosea’s faithfulness remarkable?
·      From what you read, why was it important for Hosea to be responsible and accountable?
·      Tell us about someone you know who has been responsible and accountable in spite of difficult circumstances?
·      Read 2 Samuel 11:1-17.
·      What are some factors which lead to David’s lack of faithfulness?
·      At what points in the narrative does David’s responsibility and accountability break down?
·      What are the consequences of his unfaithfulness?
·      What are the consequences when you or a teammate are irresponsible or unaccountable?
6.     Summary - Demonstrate the characteristic of a transformed life – Faithfulness by being responsible for your actions and accountable to others.
7.     Prayer

1.      Theme text – Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” HCSB
2.     Prayer
3.     Self-control - “to hold oneself in.” (from Marks of Excellence – 360ºsports)
4.     Introductory Questions
·      What are some situations in your sport which require you to hold yourself in?
·      What happens when coaches or players lose their self-control?
5.     Narrative Bible texts and discussion questions
·      Read Matthew 4:1-11.
·      Where do you see evidence of self-control in Jesus as we read this text?
·      Against what sorts of factors did He hold Himself in?
·      Against what kinds of factors do competitors have to exercise self-control?
·      Read Judges 16:1-21.
·      What is there about Samson which looks out of control?
·      Samson fails to hold himself in regarding several passions and appetites, what are they?
·      What were the consequences for his lack of self-control?
·      What happens to competitors in your sport when they lack self-control?
6.     Summary - Demonstrate the characteristic of a transformed life – Self-control by holding oneself in.
7.     Prayer

Sharing One's Faith