Sunday, June 7, 2020

Chapel - Resiliency

Chapel talk - Resiliency.


Introduction: Building a (insert sport) program is neither quick nor easy. It will require great resiliency. You will always be dealing with:

  • Changes
  • Injuries
  • Disappointments
  • Losses
Resiliency is toughness committed to long-term development. 

(Read Acts 14:19-22 aloud.) The apostle Paul was remarkably resilient as demonstrated in this scripture.

  • After serving faithfully, his opponents stirred up a crowd and opposed him.
  • They cast huge stones at him, and dragged him out of the city.
  • They left him for dead.
  • Paul's teammates arrived and surrounded him.
  • He got up, and went, bloodied and battered, right back into the city.
  • He and his team continued their work in other towns, but made a return visit.
  • He summarized his thoughts by saying, "Through many troubles, we must enter the Kingdom of God."
The apostle was resilient, he had toughness committed to long-term development.

To compete well today, we must be similarly resilient. We must be tough and committed to long-term development, individually as players, and collectively as a team.

Let's be resilient.


Sharing One's Faith