Chapel talk - We are dominant.
This is a great situation for our team:
- Perfect conditions
- A worthy opponent
- An opportunity to make a strong statement that, "We are dominant."
- This is who we are.
In the Old Testament book of Joshua, we see how a man quickly learned who was dominant in his world. (Read Joshua 5:13-15 aloud.)
- Joshua was a powerful leader.
- He sees this solitary man with a drawn sword in his hand.
- He asks, "Are you for us or the others?"
- The man replies, "Neither. I am the captain of God's army."
- Joshua bows and offers to serve the obviously dominant man.
- The dominant one gave orders to the powerful leader.
Let's draw some understanding from this brief story:
- The dominant one stands confidently, fully prepared.
- The dominant one makes a direct statement of identity.
- The dominant one dictates terms to the powerful.
As we compete today:
- We are well prepared to be dominant.
- We will make a direct statement of identity - "We are dominant."
- We will dictate terms to a powerful opponent.
- "We are dominant."
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