Saturday, June 6, 2020

Chapel - (Insert team name) are Selfless

Chapel talk - (insert team name) are Selfless.



  • For a competitor to be selfless in today's culture of sport means that he/she is running against the grain of the general culture of sport.
  • Almost every factor outside the locker room would lead him/her to be selfish, self-centered, and to think the sport is all about him/her.
  • To successfully compete well in the sport, however, demands that all of us behave selflessly.

This attitude of selflessness is described very well in Paul's letter to the Philippians at chapter 2 and verses 3-4. (Read Philippians 2:3-4 aloud.) The apostle says:

  • Do nothing from selfishness. (Like, "this is for me.")
  • Do nothing from empty conceit. (Like, "I am the man!")
  • Humbly regard others as superior. (Defer to your teammates.)
  • Do not only seek your own interests. (Like, "I'm gonna get mine.")
  • Seek the best for others also. (Teammates, coaches, and support staff.)

For (insert team name and sport) to be selfless on this day:

  • Do nothing from selfishness Exercise self-control.
  • Do nothing from empty conceit. Don't call attention to yourself.
  • Humbly regard others as superior. When you make a big play, celebrate with and defer praise to your teammates.
  • Do not only seek your own interests. If you find yourself feeling under-utilized today, check yourself and correct the selfish attitude.
  • Seek the best for others also. This is a team sport. No one succeeds on his/her own. It is not about you. Contribute to a great team victory.

(Insert team name and sport) are selfless.


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